Prince Igor Galitsky S Song Фёдор Шаляпин

Prince Igor Galitzky S Song Recorded 1922.mp3

03:38 8.3 МБ 176

Prince Igor Knyaz Igor Act I Recitative And Song Of Galitsky Nateshilsya Li Knyaz Had.mp3

02:00 4.6 МБ 51

Boris Gmyria Prince Galitsky S Recitative And Aria Prince Igor By A Borodin.mp3

03:53 8.9 МБ 5,977

Prince Igor Recitative And Air Of Prince Galitsky Feodor Chaliapin.mp3

03:26 7.9 МБ 33

Prince Igor Air Du Khan Kontchak.mp3

04:48 11 МБ 245


03:43 8.5 МБ 1,161

An Old Song.mp3

02:26 5.6 МБ 106

Zhizn Za Tsarya A Life For The Tsar Op 4 Act III Ti Priydyosh Moya Zarya You Will.mp3

03:35 8.2 МБ 86

The Varangian Merchant S Song From The Opera Sadko.mp3

02:56 6.7 МБ 75

ВЕРШИНА пения ШАЛЯПИН Film TV Muzeum Rondizm.mp3

15:01 34.4 МБ 690

The Song Of The Needy Pilgrim.mp3

03:32 8.1 МБ 58

The Flea.mp3

03:02 6.9 МБ 685

Gounod Faust Il était Temps Feodor Chaliapin ROH 1928.mp3

01:54 4.3 МБ 1,173

The Varangian Merchant S Song From The Opera Sadko.mp3

03:38 8.3 МБ 433

Sadko Sadko Song Of The Viking Guest.mp3

02:05 4.8 МБ 228

Church Scene From The Opera Faust.mp3

09:13 21.1 МБ 222

Roussalka The Miller S Aria.mp3

03:52 8.9 МБ 87

The Flea.mp3

03:05 7.1 МБ 625

My Eyes Are Worn Out.mp3

01:13 2.8 МБ 30

Fluffy White Snow.mp3

01:45 4 МБ 59